So, you know how he is spelt h-e? And you know how she is spelt s-h-e? Well, as I struggled to figure out what I was going to do (tough, right?) I realized that if I combined the letters h and e with the letter s I would get the perfect "in between" word..
Or, you know, I'd just be spelling she.
My disappointment was, as you can only imagine, hard to deal with.
But it inspired me to blog, again, 2 nights in a row.
A few years ago, blogging in general would have been, like, social suicide or something.
A few months ago, blogging once a week seemed reasonable.
But to blog twice in two days just didn't seem possible.
And yet, here we are...raising a few questions, actually, on the validity of my blogginess:
A) Where am I supposed to come up with material?
B) What's the point in blogging even ONCE (in my entire lifetime) if my readership consists of only Sam, Nadia and maybe one or two potential strangers?
C) Who cares enough about what I have to say to be SO invested in what the devil is going on here? (double entendre)
D) Isn't blogging a little self-serving or selfish?
I've read blogs where the writer asks his or her or hiers (get it?) readers to comment (down below! :D) on what they think about the life altering questions the blog poses. I'm not going to do that. I'm asking these as rhetorical questions because I can't flatter myself enough to think that anyone will actually reply.
Honestly, blogging must be therapeutic or something...I don't really know what it is about blogging other than the fact that I like it, I feel accomplished when I'm done and it's closely tied in with one of my greatest loves: creative writing.
I'd almost be willing to let my mom read my blog if I didn't so often pepper the damn thing with references to illicit activities and even more illicit substances. Not like she'd care, actually, because she once asked me if I saw anything I wanted at The Friendly Stranger and showed me a video of her and her best friend smoking dope. But still, you know, things might get weird and she might ask questions and I'd rather not feel obliged to smoke with my mother when she gets all crazy pleased that I smoke too and she wants to join!
Cause it could happen.
My toes are so warm, right now, because they're inches away from one of those awesome space heaters. My mom's place is cold. No, it's not cold. To describe the temperature of her apartment as cold is not fair to the Arctic. Because her apartment is probably colder than that. I swear the snot in my nose is actually frozen. Well, not right now because I'm inches away from a space heater. But if I leave it's radius of delicious heat I wouldn't be surprised if my blood froze.
I think I might be cold blooded because I need warmth to, uh, warm up. Shocker.
That's all I can think about, for now. See you tomorrow, same bat time, same bat place.
Yours truly,
ps: Gary Larson is a cartoon genius. Don't believe me, ask the dishes!!
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