OK, so it's like this:
I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth (if I know where my toothbrush is), get dressed, put my contacts on (if I'm feeling ambitious), sit around in the living room for a while and then run outside to the corner and, if I'm lucky, catch the bus, ride it to school, go to class, go swimming if it's Tuesday or Thursday, come home, eat some food, mess around for a bit and then go to bed.
Interesting, right?
Well, fine, it's not like it's not interesting but it's definitely not blog worthy. My life just hasn't been bloggable lately. And I don't know how to remedy this.
Gosh, I can't really even think of what I did this week...specifically.
Wednesday was a snow day (because there some white stuff on the ground........CALL IN THE MILITARY, WE'VE GOT SNOW!). Talk about overreaction, city. Actually, my guess is that after talking up the "storm of the century" like everyone was the school felt like it wouldn't be right to not call a snow day. So instead of just toughing it out, or saving the Get-out-of-school-free card until a day that's, like, actually cold and snowy they just freaked out and let everyone stay home.
But from what I gathered not a lot of people appreciate the day, anyway. Most of us didn't have class or wouldn't have gone regardless. What a waste. We didn't even get to pass GO and collect $200.
I'd be almost tempted to say that last week was all a dream. I went swimming and because that's tiring I slept a lot more than usual. And a lot earlier.
Chotch and I rented a truck load of movies. OK, we rent 3 and bought 1 but still, that's sweet. We watched Cloverfield and Star Trek on the first day and then last night watched The Departed which is.....well.....good and stuff?
It really was good...or could've been good....if I'd been paying a little bit more attention. In the end I understood everything. Matt Damon didn't even look that sexy, so maybe that's why I was having such a hard time taking it seriously. I'm just still not sure whether it was supposed to be a serious drama or a comedy drama. Anyway, if I saw anything else bad about it it's an almost guarantee that Sam will throw something at me.
I've been riding the emotional roller coaster today. Mostly good vibrations. Tired vibrations right now though...
Speaking of good vibrations....I have a theory:
So when you're having a good time (like a really good time) you tend to be doing something that makes you lose brain cells. Those brains cells get sucked out of your head into little tubes and then explode out into the air...creating good vibrations. Which is why, when you're having a really good time, so is almost everyone else. Unless they have a thick skull, like Sam.
That was just me anticipating the bottle or rock he's going to throw at my head.
I may be going to Rwanda with Emmanuel and Lo. I could say the same thing about going to the Moon but we all have dreams......
Unfortunately, the place in my head that I designate entirely to blog ideas and actual blog writing seems to be empty. Completely empty. I'm sorry my week has been less than satisfactory. I enjoyed it but it just didn't translate on here.
Help me summon the will power to go out tonight.....on the count of three we all have to shout as loud as we can.
How funny, we choose to talk about the similar problems of something and nothing on the same day. Did that even make sense? Whatever, get out of my head.