Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sam, King of Narnia......he wishes.

Sam is rumbling but I guess that's what you get when you have a new job. Late nights, early mornings, late nights again because you slept all afternoon recuperating from your early morning.

That's what "they" call a vicious circle. Or cycle. I'm not actually sure which mom sat me down one afternoon and complained, for a long time, about how people use "sour grapes" wrong and say "vicious circle/cycle" instead of "vicious circle/cycle". But I don't remember which one is right so everything I just said should just be bleached from your minds.

I'm not even sure what the difference between a circle and a cycle is if the cycle is in a circular shape.
If one should place arrows on a circle doesn't that change it into a cycle?

Why are words so funny to look at?

In the past, people have asked me what my favourite word is and I have yet to answer that question. There are just a lot of words that are cool or nice or funny but none have ever stuck out. At one point I thought bungalow was my's not. I overuse the word "lady" but that doesn't mean I want to marry it. I'll have to think about it and get back to you, I guess...

I'm suffering from post-inappropriately-timed-nap grumpiness. This happens to me when I fall asleep when I shouldn't. Like in class or when I have an essay to write. But Isenberg is like a sedative for me. Next 20 hour flight I'm on I'll just read The Destruction of the Bison and sleep peacefully until we reach our destination. Actually, Isenberg is so boring that the next time I need surgery I'll just ask the doctor to forego the anesthetics and give me one of his books instead. And I know, sleeping doesn't normally stop you from feeling pain but let me just tell you, Isenberg literally makes me numb.

I think I must have been so sleepy because I went for a walk to the pet store today. I needed to buy some vitamins for the ladies because they've been sneezing a lot lately and making me nervous. I hope it works because if not, I'm going to spend about the cost of 10 rats per rat at a vet. Lady Linus, Madam Milo and Duchess of Chesmo all came to about 8 dollars do the math. I already have cupcake on my sheets so I don't want to add vomit.

Don't get me wrong, I will spend as much money as I need on my girls! I love them but I won't lie....that much money seems a little excessive for the size of the darn things. I could probably get knee surgery for less and that's my knee we're talking about!

But, the vitamins will work because they're resilient little rats and they don't seem to be showing any other signs of distress. Wish them luck, though, just because they're so cute. (As we speak, Milo is drinking the vitamin water....and rubbing it all over her face. Her fur will be healthy?)

Well,  I'm going to go eat some HOMEMADE sushi and watch a zombie movie because nothing says Awesome Sunday Night like screaming at the top of my lungs with rice hanging out of my mouth.

Wish me luck too. No vitamins will protect me from the zombie virus, Mom!

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