Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's isn't secret, it's isn't safe....anymore!

Life is a funny thing.

The movement of it is never steady and you bump or glide or trip through it, no matter what you do.

But what's so great about life is those special little moments that you're always preparing for.

Like when you're dating someone and you know that it's love and all you can do for days is go over and over how you're going to tell say "I love you". And until it happens you never know what to expect.

Or like when you're thinking about losing your virginity and all you can think about is how it's going to feel and who it's going to be with. And until it happens you never know what to expect.

Or like when you want to tell your mom you smoke pot but you can never think of the best way to tell her until the day she asks you and you can't find it in yourself to lie. And until that happens you never know what to expect.

Well it just happened. And it was nothing like I expected.

She wasn't mad. She wasn't upset. She was worried about my brain.

She smoked pot. She knows how wonderful it is. She knows that, if anything, it enhances your brain and makes wonderful things happen. So, all I can say is "you've got nothing to worry about, Ma!"

It feels no different between us now. I said I would be careful, left out how much I actually smoke, didn't mention that I'm considering buying a vaporizer and we parted ways amicably.

And now the cat's out of the bag.

A little awkward. Not how I was imaging her finding out. She asked me, you know. And I tried to lie but she saw right through me. So, not gonna try and lie twice!

But the moral of the story is that my relationship with her hasn't changed and she'll probably never ask me about weed again. So I have nothing to fear anymore.

Next step: tell my dad.


The guy has got himself convinced that he's never touched pot. But I'd like to remind everyone (and him, on the off chance he's reading this) that being a 20-something in 1969 with a fro and bell-bottom jeans makes him the perfect candidate for pot smoking.

                                                    This is him, actually, with his girlfriend Daisy.
                                                          I think all the pot he's denying to 
                                                              have smoked has made him 
                                                                 forget what he looks like....

But I'd still rather he never found out. He's kinda nuts. Obviously.

He'd be more upset than my mom. No doubt about it.

Anyway, peeps, now half of my parents know the truth.

When will you suck it up and tell your parents something secret about yourself? It feels kind of awesome!

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