Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jay is coming!!

     Sam's TWIN brother is coming to our house for 3 a few weeks!! I'm so excited because it's going to be like having two Sam's running around! Kate and I were wondering if they're going to neutralize each two positives make a negative or something like that.
Apparently Sam told him we're all fighting over who he's going to like best so now all I can think about is me and Kate fighting in the boxing ring like Denny and Allen did.
We're watching Star Trek, so much Star Trek....I'm starting to pee Star Trek. Gross.
I'd like to introduce everyone to The Bongernaut Squash...he's the newest addition to our family. Kate and I carved one from the Butternut squash we've had lying around for weeks. Smokes like a charm. So smooth!
I learned something today: Sam has a really hard time saying no to things. He says he's game for anything so my new objective for the week is to ask him if he wants to join me on my numerous, absolutely ludicrous (and potentially dangerous) adventures and catch him saying "no". Just as an example, Kate and I asked him if he'd go to a rave with only guys wearing blue leotards and Star Trek character masks and he said yes. Big weirdo!
I'm going to go get ready. I can't think of anything else to talk about...
Peace and Love

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