People with authority are the absolute worst. I can't stand it when people get power and they trip out on how much they can do and how much control they have!
It turns out that this tech experience has been so much more stressful than last year's! I mean, Kubes has become one of my greatest friends but while our friendship kicks some serious butt the DSF's bullshit takes the cake right now. I just can't believe the audacity of people....I mean, I get that the exec is in charge of the DSF but where does he get off tattling like a little bitch to Pat about how things went for the first run of the show? He isn't even involved in the process so why does he come stick his dirty, douche-bag nose into other people's business and try and take control!?
It sucks so much to wake up to the stupidest email of life after closing off a successful first run of the show (Front of House style) with drinks at the Taps and hanging with friends. I went to bed feeling pretty hopped up on adrenaline and good vibrations and actually cried this morning because I was so damn frustrated.
Basically, Kubes and I got called out on a whole bunch of bull shit that the DSF believed was their responsibility to tell Pat about. We spoke to Pat after class this morning and obviously she believed every word we said and agreed it was 100% inappropriate of DSF to do what they did but that doesn't change the fact that I woke up and cried!
That sounds so pathetic!
I'm actually really happy right now and SO FRIGGEN excited for the cast/crew party!! I'm going to be obliterated! At least that's my plan!
Last night I took a cab home from the Taps and I had the same driver as I had on Thursday night when I spoke in a French-Canadian accent and made a total ass of myself...we talked about Hamlet and Christopher Plummer. He called Hamlet "Omlette" though and I'm not sure if he was joking.
Man, I just had the most delicious bowl of soup. So warm and salty.
Sunny is getting even funnier. "Silence...your mouth!" "I would like some jerky please?!" Honestly, how many McPoyle's are there? Why haven't I always been watching this show? Like, it's been on forever!
I think it's because I'm never interested in things people tell me youtube links...
Why do people always send me links to youtube videos? Unless it's Harry Potter or A Very Potter Musical or Drinking out of Cups I'm not actually interested!
Right now Nick's room mate Charlie is playing the most magical song I've ever heard.
Picture this: a little yellow ball walking down a cartoon street tipping his hat to all his friend with the most amazing, clown music playing in the that's how I spend my afternoons.
It's nice to not do anything after a hard day of not doing anything.
I'm going to go see how the Gang solves the North Korean situation...
Peace and Love
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