Friday, November 26, 2010

The pros and cons of the library...

You'd think that being in the library would be HELPFUL when writing an essay...there are books everywhere and tons of people doing THEIR work so why am I finding it so hard to think??
I'm ALMOST done this stupid essay but all I can do is think thoughts about every other topic in the ENTIRE world except Elizabethan theatre...
I'm pretty sure people only come to the library so they can look like they're doing something and feel good about themselves. It's like going to class but watching movies throughout the lecture instead of listening to the justify this by saying "at least I WENT to class".
It's NOT the same thing, fools. Who cares if you're PHYSICALLY in class....if you're tuned into the latest episode of Hell's Kitchen while the prof jabbers on about astronomy (which is freaking crazy really should be listening...) you're NOT actually achieving anything. It's all about how available you are mentally....
It's the same thing in the library. But I'm 100% guilty of being in the library to borrow a laptop to watch Sunny. But now that I actually need to do work...need to write this stupid essay (I'm short 500 words...) all I want to do is sleep or hang out with my buds.
The library is too social a place. I mean it shouldn't be. Perhaps the QUIET study areas are good for working but a) I'm incredibly lazy and can't be bothered to look beyond the first floor for a place to sit and b) do you know how loud I am? There's no chance I'd ever survive in a place like that...the creepily quiet basement of the library surrounded by serious students.....jesus...!
Also, I tend to sit in the library WITH friends. The pros and cons of this are
Pros: my friends are awesome and our conversations own
Cons: my friends are awesome and our conversations are incredibly distracting!
But friends are awesome and all I ever want to do is talk with them.
Maybe I should consider an ENTIRELY new place to write essays? I could revolutionize my study habits by working somewhere totally unexpected!
It's the comfort of this place that makes it so hard to work...and I sit right by the window and SO many people walk by. People are very interesting to watch...much more interesting than this essay at least.
I'm going out tonight for Lo's birthday and one of my good friend's (who I haven't seen since high school) is here so I figure I have to hang out!
But I have 500 words left...maybe more...if I get lucky...
I broke a HUGE mirror last I'm thinking I'm NOT gonna get lucky?
Peace and Love

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