Sam's TWIN brother is coming to our house for 3 a few weeks!! I'm so excited because it's going to be like having two Sam's running around! Kate and I were wondering if they're going to neutralize each two positives make a negative or something like that.
Apparently Sam told him we're all fighting over who he's going to like best so now all I can think about is me and Kate fighting in the boxing ring like Denny and Allen did.
We're watching Star Trek, so much Star Trek....I'm starting to pee Star Trek. Gross.
I'd like to introduce everyone to The Bongernaut Squash...he's the newest addition to our family. Kate and I carved one from the Butternut squash we've had lying around for weeks. Smokes like a charm. So smooth!
I learned something today: Sam has a really hard time saying no to things. He says he's game for anything so my new objective for the week is to ask him if he wants to join me on my numerous, absolutely ludicrous (and potentially dangerous) adventures and catch him saying "no". Just as an example, Kate and I asked him if he'd go to a rave with only guys wearing blue leotards and Star Trek character masks and he said yes. Big weirdo!
I'm going to go get ready. I can't think of anything else to talk about...
Peace and Love
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
The pros and cons of the library...
You'd think that being in the library would be HELPFUL when writing an essay...there are books everywhere and tons of people doing THEIR work so why am I finding it so hard to think??
I'm ALMOST done this stupid essay but all I can do is think thoughts about every other topic in the ENTIRE world except Elizabethan theatre...
I'm pretty sure people only come to the library so they can look like they're doing something and feel good about themselves. It's like going to class but watching movies throughout the lecture instead of listening to the justify this by saying "at least I WENT to class".
It's NOT the same thing, fools. Who cares if you're PHYSICALLY in class....if you're tuned into the latest episode of Hell's Kitchen while the prof jabbers on about astronomy (which is freaking crazy really should be listening...) you're NOT actually achieving anything. It's all about how available you are mentally....
It's the same thing in the library. But I'm 100% guilty of being in the library to borrow a laptop to watch Sunny. But now that I actually need to do work...need to write this stupid essay (I'm short 500 words...) all I want to do is sleep or hang out with my buds.
The library is too social a place. I mean it shouldn't be. Perhaps the QUIET study areas are good for working but a) I'm incredibly lazy and can't be bothered to look beyond the first floor for a place to sit and b) do you know how loud I am? There's no chance I'd ever survive in a place like that...the creepily quiet basement of the library surrounded by serious students.....jesus...!
Also, I tend to sit in the library WITH friends. The pros and cons of this are
Pros: my friends are awesome and our conversations own
Cons: my friends are awesome and our conversations are incredibly distracting!
But friends are awesome and all I ever want to do is talk with them.
Maybe I should consider an ENTIRELY new place to write essays? I could revolutionize my study habits by working somewhere totally unexpected!
It's the comfort of this place that makes it so hard to work...and I sit right by the window and SO many people walk by. People are very interesting to watch...much more interesting than this essay at least.
I'm going out tonight for Lo's birthday and one of my good friend's (who I haven't seen since high school) is here so I figure I have to hang out!
But I have 500 words left...maybe more...if I get lucky...
I broke a HUGE mirror last I'm thinking I'm NOT gonna get lucky?
Peace and Love
I'm ALMOST done this stupid essay but all I can do is think thoughts about every other topic in the ENTIRE world except Elizabethan theatre...
I'm pretty sure people only come to the library so they can look like they're doing something and feel good about themselves. It's like going to class but watching movies throughout the lecture instead of listening to the justify this by saying "at least I WENT to class".
It's NOT the same thing, fools. Who cares if you're PHYSICALLY in class....if you're tuned into the latest episode of Hell's Kitchen while the prof jabbers on about astronomy (which is freaking crazy really should be listening...) you're NOT actually achieving anything. It's all about how available you are mentally....
It's the same thing in the library. But I'm 100% guilty of being in the library to borrow a laptop to watch Sunny. But now that I actually need to do work...need to write this stupid essay (I'm short 500 words...) all I want to do is sleep or hang out with my buds.
The library is too social a place. I mean it shouldn't be. Perhaps the QUIET study areas are good for working but a) I'm incredibly lazy and can't be bothered to look beyond the first floor for a place to sit and b) do you know how loud I am? There's no chance I'd ever survive in a place like that...the creepily quiet basement of the library surrounded by serious students.....jesus...!
Also, I tend to sit in the library WITH friends. The pros and cons of this are
Pros: my friends are awesome and our conversations own
Cons: my friends are awesome and our conversations are incredibly distracting!
But friends are awesome and all I ever want to do is talk with them.
Maybe I should consider an ENTIRELY new place to write essays? I could revolutionize my study habits by working somewhere totally unexpected!
It's the comfort of this place that makes it so hard to work...and I sit right by the window and SO many people walk by. People are very interesting to watch...much more interesting than this essay at least.
I'm going out tonight for Lo's birthday and one of my good friend's (who I haven't seen since high school) is here so I figure I have to hang out!
But I have 500 words left...maybe more...if I get lucky...
I broke a HUGE mirror last I'm thinking I'm NOT gonna get lucky?
Peace and Love
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The things that happen when....
So, last night was the last run of Hamlet. My mama came up to see me (and the play, which she absolutely hated!) and she brought me so much delicious food! This stew called Lecho (which is Hungarian) made up of tomato paste soup and green/red peppers, onion, vegetarian hot dogs and smoked tofu! This sweet potato and coconut milk soup which she says is the best soup she's ever made/tasted! A loaf of her home-made, no knead bread which is absolutely fantastic! And some yummy sweets like Turkish delight, chocolate and coconut puffs! It was nice to see her after my week from hell. We got to have a really nice dinner together (a fantastic avocado, roasted red pepper and brie sandwich) and talk about the things that are going on in my life.
I think the "break up bug" is infecting my family but that's all I'm going to say about that!
It was the cast party last night, which turned out to be a pretty sweet night!
We had to strike the set (tear it down, clean up the theatre, stuff like that) before we could leave so it wasn't until 1:30 in the morning that we got to the party. Although, not going to lie...Kubes, Steve and I did take shots during strike just to get a nice buzz going so when we got to the house (which was EMPTY for like 5 minutes, except for us) we were already getting pretty loose!
Speaking of loose.....a certain actor sure let himself go! He was ridiculously drunk (like obliterated, like I wanted to be) and was grinding up on just about every girl/guy in the room. At one point he was dancing with another actor and actually had his hands cupping the other guys balls. He also joined in on a dance train (with me on the end, victim to his shenanigans) and when Kubes (who wants his mit) got really (jokingly) pissed at me I shimmied out of the way and he proceeded to make out with her neck! I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard!
Honestly, his shit didn't stop there. He later came up to me on the dance floor and after throwing me around like a rag doll for a while he pushed me onto a couch and gave me a lap dance! More like a lap-grinding-his-body-all-over-mine dance actually! My body didn't feel like mine when he was done with me...I'm not going to lie, though, some of his drunken dance moves were pretty smooth.
Apparently though, despite how drunk he was, he wouldn't leave and no one could convince him to! I was talking to his friend who said she couldn't get him to listen because all he wanted to do was hook up with this guy named Ryan who left the party with some guy named Marc anyway!
The shit that goes down when a bunch of theatre kids who've been working together (sober) for 3 months get a little alcohol in their system...
Also, Gabby and Will are too cute for life!
But Swan's night was shitty. The girl he has a thing for has a tendency to either barf or cry all over him whenever he's trying to make any significant moves on her...tough luck, eh? All he did last night was try and dance with her but despite all that she wound up making out with some OTHER dude. And that really pissed him off. So much, in fact, that he was practically grinding his teeth and steaming out of the ears! We were standing on the steps together and I told him he could punch me on my open palms (why? I don't know. Maybe I thought I was made of steel?) and then, to my bloody surprise, he actually did it! It hurt horribly! I'm actually really surprised my hand was bruised this morning....
Poor guy though...he was pissed!
And poor drunk, so lost, so confused! The girl didn't even know where she was or who she was with! I kept putting her down to sleep (like she's a baby?! haha) and the next thing I knew she'd be right back with me, trying to dance. Funny shit! She started to feel better after laughing hysterically about things I cannot define!
All night all I wanted to listen to was Low by Flo Rider but the guy controlling the iPod didn't have it until at one magical moment, right when my hand was throbbing and all my friends had left me, it came on! Then, to my horror, after screaming so much in excitement, it went away. And two songs were played before it actually played and then I danced like a big weirdo for the entertainment of all!
Altogether, not so shabby an evening! I would like to do that all the time, though!
Now I'm going to watch Star Trek with Katie-J and eat salad, read Nick's one-act and mess around until I'm tired.
I slept until 3:30 I'm pretty full of energy right now!
Peace and Love
I think the "break up bug" is infecting my family but that's all I'm going to say about that!
It was the cast party last night, which turned out to be a pretty sweet night!
We had to strike the set (tear it down, clean up the theatre, stuff like that) before we could leave so it wasn't until 1:30 in the morning that we got to the party. Although, not going to lie...Kubes, Steve and I did take shots during strike just to get a nice buzz going so when we got to the house (which was EMPTY for like 5 minutes, except for us) we were already getting pretty loose!
Speaking of loose.....a certain actor sure let himself go! He was ridiculously drunk (like obliterated, like I wanted to be) and was grinding up on just about every girl/guy in the room. At one point he was dancing with another actor and actually had his hands cupping the other guys balls. He also joined in on a dance train (with me on the end, victim to his shenanigans) and when Kubes (who wants his mit) got really (jokingly) pissed at me I shimmied out of the way and he proceeded to make out with her neck! I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard!
Honestly, his shit didn't stop there. He later came up to me on the dance floor and after throwing me around like a rag doll for a while he pushed me onto a couch and gave me a lap dance! More like a lap-grinding-his-body-all-over-mine dance actually! My body didn't feel like mine when he was done with me...I'm not going to lie, though, some of his drunken dance moves were pretty smooth.
Apparently though, despite how drunk he was, he wouldn't leave and no one could convince him to! I was talking to his friend who said she couldn't get him to listen because all he wanted to do was hook up with this guy named Ryan who left the party with some guy named Marc anyway!
The shit that goes down when a bunch of theatre kids who've been working together (sober) for 3 months get a little alcohol in their system...
Also, Gabby and Will are too cute for life!
But Swan's night was shitty. The girl he has a thing for has a tendency to either barf or cry all over him whenever he's trying to make any significant moves on her...tough luck, eh? All he did last night was try and dance with her but despite all that she wound up making out with some OTHER dude. And that really pissed him off. So much, in fact, that he was practically grinding his teeth and steaming out of the ears! We were standing on the steps together and I told him he could punch me on my open palms (why? I don't know. Maybe I thought I was made of steel?) and then, to my bloody surprise, he actually did it! It hurt horribly! I'm actually really surprised my hand was bruised this morning....
Poor guy though...he was pissed!
And poor drunk, so lost, so confused! The girl didn't even know where she was or who she was with! I kept putting her down to sleep (like she's a baby?! haha) and the next thing I knew she'd be right back with me, trying to dance. Funny shit! She started to feel better after laughing hysterically about things I cannot define!
All night all I wanted to listen to was Low by Flo Rider but the guy controlling the iPod didn't have it until at one magical moment, right when my hand was throbbing and all my friends had left me, it came on! Then, to my horror, after screaming so much in excitement, it went away. And two songs were played before it actually played and then I danced like a big weirdo for the entertainment of all!
Altogether, not so shabby an evening! I would like to do that all the time, though!
Now I'm going to watch Star Trek with Katie-J and eat salad, read Nick's one-act and mess around until I'm tired.
I slept until 3:30 I'm pretty full of energy right now!
Peace and Love
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
People with authority are the absolute worst. I can't stand it when people get power and they trip out on how much they can do and how much control they have!
It turns out that this tech experience has been so much more stressful than last year's! I mean, Kubes has become one of my greatest friends but while our friendship kicks some serious butt the DSF's bullshit takes the cake right now. I just can't believe the audacity of people....I mean, I get that the exec is in charge of the DSF but where does he get off tattling like a little bitch to Pat about how things went for the first run of the show? He isn't even involved in the process so why does he come stick his dirty, douche-bag nose into other people's business and try and take control!?
It sucks so much to wake up to the stupidest email of life after closing off a successful first run of the show (Front of House style) with drinks at the Taps and hanging with friends. I went to bed feeling pretty hopped up on adrenaline and good vibrations and actually cried this morning because I was so damn frustrated.
Basically, Kubes and I got called out on a whole bunch of bull shit that the DSF believed was their responsibility to tell Pat about. We spoke to Pat after class this morning and obviously she believed every word we said and agreed it was 100% inappropriate of DSF to do what they did but that doesn't change the fact that I woke up and cried!
That sounds so pathetic!
I'm actually really happy right now and SO FRIGGEN excited for the cast/crew party!! I'm going to be obliterated! At least that's my plan!
Last night I took a cab home from the Taps and I had the same driver as I had on Thursday night when I spoke in a French-Canadian accent and made a total ass of myself...we talked about Hamlet and Christopher Plummer. He called Hamlet "Omlette" though and I'm not sure if he was joking.
Man, I just had the most delicious bowl of soup. So warm and salty.
Sunny is getting even funnier. "Silence...your mouth!" "I would like some jerky please?!" Honestly, how many McPoyle's are there? Why haven't I always been watching this show? Like, it's been on forever!
I think it's because I'm never interested in things people tell me youtube links...
Why do people always send me links to youtube videos? Unless it's Harry Potter or A Very Potter Musical or Drinking out of Cups I'm not actually interested!
Right now Nick's room mate Charlie is playing the most magical song I've ever heard.
Picture this: a little yellow ball walking down a cartoon street tipping his hat to all his friend with the most amazing, clown music playing in the that's how I spend my afternoons.
It's nice to not do anything after a hard day of not doing anything.
I'm going to go see how the Gang solves the North Korean situation...
Peace and Love
It turns out that this tech experience has been so much more stressful than last year's! I mean, Kubes has become one of my greatest friends but while our friendship kicks some serious butt the DSF's bullshit takes the cake right now. I just can't believe the audacity of people....I mean, I get that the exec is in charge of the DSF but where does he get off tattling like a little bitch to Pat about how things went for the first run of the show? He isn't even involved in the process so why does he come stick his dirty, douche-bag nose into other people's business and try and take control!?
It sucks so much to wake up to the stupidest email of life after closing off a successful first run of the show (Front of House style) with drinks at the Taps and hanging with friends. I went to bed feeling pretty hopped up on adrenaline and good vibrations and actually cried this morning because I was so damn frustrated.
Basically, Kubes and I got called out on a whole bunch of bull shit that the DSF believed was their responsibility to tell Pat about. We spoke to Pat after class this morning and obviously she believed every word we said and agreed it was 100% inappropriate of DSF to do what they did but that doesn't change the fact that I woke up and cried!
That sounds so pathetic!
I'm actually really happy right now and SO FRIGGEN excited for the cast/crew party!! I'm going to be obliterated! At least that's my plan!
Last night I took a cab home from the Taps and I had the same driver as I had on Thursday night when I spoke in a French-Canadian accent and made a total ass of myself...we talked about Hamlet and Christopher Plummer. He called Hamlet "Omlette" though and I'm not sure if he was joking.
Man, I just had the most delicious bowl of soup. So warm and salty.
Sunny is getting even funnier. "Silence...your mouth!" "I would like some jerky please?!" Honestly, how many McPoyle's are there? Why haven't I always been watching this show? Like, it's been on forever!
I think it's because I'm never interested in things people tell me youtube links...
Why do people always send me links to youtube videos? Unless it's Harry Potter or A Very Potter Musical or Drinking out of Cups I'm not actually interested!
Right now Nick's room mate Charlie is playing the most magical song I've ever heard.
Picture this: a little yellow ball walking down a cartoon street tipping his hat to all his friend with the most amazing, clown music playing in the that's how I spend my afternoons.
It's nice to not do anything after a hard day of not doing anything.
I'm going to go see how the Gang solves the North Korean situation...
Peace and Love
Sunday, November 14, 2010
You have hereby been released of all Charlie-work.....*clonk*
So, this is blogging? I'm pretty excited actually....I almost pooped my pants when I realized that I could make a blog and blabber on and on for however long I want about whatever the hell I want. My room mate blogs all the time. Best idea ever.
A few nights ago I got really frustrated with theatre and then got thuper-duper slammered and made an ass of myself. That's the only way to deal with just drink until you vomit all over your professor. Just saying!
On Thursday, I woke up so early for a class I didn't even need to go to. Then I went to the library and needed to print something but obviously people have the hardest time following rules and the 2 minute max printer-computers were being used by dumbies for, like, 10 minutes. I hate that. And I was so tired. But I'm totally over it now.
I'm always at the theatre because it's basically my life. But hanging out in the void doing nothing is a spectacular way of spending my Friday night. After the way I spent my Thursday night there is no way I have strength in my brain to do anything else but hang out with theatre people.
I want Nick to stop doing his job and come gossip about Thursday with me. There is so much I want to go over.
Best thing happened to me though. I fell asleep with my bra on and three loonies stuffed in there (????) and woke up to three loonie shaped bruises on my boob. Is that not the greatest thing you've ever heard? I want everyone to know! Tell your friends!
Also, yesterday some guy on the bus was talking to some girl he'd obviously just met and was trying to compliment saying she looks like Duckie from The Land Before Time. Because a girl always wants to hear she reminds people of a dinosaur! I mean, Ducki's cute but oh no no just don't do that!
Today was the final dress rehearsal for Hamlet. Tomorrow Kubes and I run the front of house and I swear we're going to do the best job ever.
How come people have to be so bloody incompetent? I lost it today because she-who-shall-remain-nameless made me soo mad! One of the jobs us Front of Housers has to do is vacuum the theatre so she-who-shall-etc volunteered herself to do the job. Except that no matter how many times I told her EXACTLY where the good vacuum was she didn't actually do anything about it until AFTER the show! And even then she had to ask about three different people where the vacuum was....I mean....first of all why is she so dumb? She never does anything! For every 2 steps I painted yesterday she got through half of one (if that). I can't even wait until I don't have to deal with her bull shit anymore!
But my new founded best friendship with Nick is making life so wonderful. And Kubes. Obviously Kubes. We're like thithterth (sisters)! But Nick is my go-to for talk times. He's got so much on me it's not even funny! I'm so excited to take Contemporary Cinema with him, Lo, Kubes and a bunch of other amazing people.
I'm gonna watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia now because that's the best show that's ever been made.
If anyone has never watched Sunny you're missing out. Kubes introduced me...because she's the best ever! Watch it! It's horribly offensive but unbelievably amazing. Charlie is the best character on TV. "Charlie Kelly here, local business owner and cat enthusiast!" Omg, sooo funny!
I have the best times with Kubes when we're at the theatre. Nothing makes the longest days in existence go by super quickly except her. She's suh cool! hahaha! And she gets extra pickles from Harvey's just for me. She's wicked!
OK, what's up with BBM? I mean...I'm not actually seriously asking that question because I'm the biggest crackberryhead ever but it does do some pretty silly things! Like yesterday Kubes told me she'd be late for our final dress rehearsal because of choir and I typed "I'm going to cancel your rehearsal" but somehow the sentence got highlighted and when I went to send the message it spell checked the whole thing into "NOISEMAKERS" Whatt?! Like, that isn't even logical! I laughed all over everything!
Now, to please Nad, I'm actually going to post this. Hurray! I love blogs.
Peace and Love
A few nights ago I got really frustrated with theatre and then got thuper-duper slammered and made an ass of myself. That's the only way to deal with just drink until you vomit all over your professor. Just saying!
On Thursday, I woke up so early for a class I didn't even need to go to. Then I went to the library and needed to print something but obviously people have the hardest time following rules and the 2 minute max printer-computers were being used by dumbies for, like, 10 minutes. I hate that. And I was so tired. But I'm totally over it now.
I'm always at the theatre because it's basically my life. But hanging out in the void doing nothing is a spectacular way of spending my Friday night. After the way I spent my Thursday night there is no way I have strength in my brain to do anything else but hang out with theatre people.
I want Nick to stop doing his job and come gossip about Thursday with me. There is so much I want to go over.
Best thing happened to me though. I fell asleep with my bra on and three loonies stuffed in there (????) and woke up to three loonie shaped bruises on my boob. Is that not the greatest thing you've ever heard? I want everyone to know! Tell your friends!
Also, yesterday some guy on the bus was talking to some girl he'd obviously just met and was trying to compliment saying she looks like Duckie from The Land Before Time. Because a girl always wants to hear she reminds people of a dinosaur! I mean, Ducki's cute but oh no no just don't do that!
Today was the final dress rehearsal for Hamlet. Tomorrow Kubes and I run the front of house and I swear we're going to do the best job ever.
How come people have to be so bloody incompetent? I lost it today because she-who-shall-remain-nameless made me soo mad! One of the jobs us Front of Housers has to do is vacuum the theatre so she-who-shall-etc volunteered herself to do the job. Except that no matter how many times I told her EXACTLY where the good vacuum was she didn't actually do anything about it until AFTER the show! And even then she had to ask about three different people where the vacuum was....I mean....first of all why is she so dumb? She never does anything! For every 2 steps I painted yesterday she got through half of one (if that). I can't even wait until I don't have to deal with her bull shit anymore!
But my new founded best friendship with Nick is making life so wonderful. And Kubes. Obviously Kubes. We're like thithterth (sisters)! But Nick is my go-to for talk times. He's got so much on me it's not even funny! I'm so excited to take Contemporary Cinema with him, Lo, Kubes and a bunch of other amazing people.
I'm gonna watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia now because that's the best show that's ever been made.
If anyone has never watched Sunny you're missing out. Kubes introduced me...because she's the best ever! Watch it! It's horribly offensive but unbelievably amazing. Charlie is the best character on TV. "Charlie Kelly here, local business owner and cat enthusiast!" Omg, sooo funny!
I have the best times with Kubes when we're at the theatre. Nothing makes the longest days in existence go by super quickly except her. She's suh cool! hahaha! And she gets extra pickles from Harvey's just for me. She's wicked!
OK, what's up with BBM? I mean...I'm not actually seriously asking that question because I'm the biggest crackberryhead ever but it does do some pretty silly things! Like yesterday Kubes told me she'd be late for our final dress rehearsal because of choir and I typed "I'm going to cancel your rehearsal" but somehow the sentence got highlighted and when I went to send the message it spell checked the whole thing into "NOISEMAKERS" Whatt?! Like, that isn't even logical! I laughed all over everything!
Now, to please Nad, I'm actually going to post this. Hurray! I love blogs.
Peace and Love
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