Monday, October 10, 2011

Man against Machine Episode 3: Before the end of Time!

Oh dear god, I have ten minutes to post this blog!

9 minutes now.

I can't think of anything to talk about....other than this epic battle of man against time!

If the world was going to end in 10 minutes I would have the following things to say:

1. I love you all

2. After you guys I love the show Community

3. After that, I would want to talk about how friggen weird Community is starting to get. Not in a bad way but just in a it's kind of been mirroring my actions a lot lately kind of way.

4. Oh well, c'est le vie!

which brings me to my fifth and final thing

5. We've all done stuff in our lives that we regret but then we all also experience those moments when we know that that's OK. You're not always going to be happy but if you understand that it's all just apart of life then you'll stop battling time and learn to dance to whatever music is playing.

(4 minutes left until the end and I can't help but think that the Bob Dylan playing somewhere in the background is eerily appropriate)

2 minutes....

1 minute....