I think I drink 2 large coffees a day just so that I'll have an excuse to go pee later and not have to study.
I appreciate how irrational this is but desperate times call for desperate measures!
You know, I'd love to be able to study philosophy 3 days straight and not start looking for any excuse to procrastinate....but when I'm hungry, which is just a thing that I always am, I'm not going to walk to the UC with shoe laces that aren't tied up
perfectly. Nor am I going to start taking notes when I have three facebook notifications. They're only going to be distraction!
I've also noticed that exam time is when the studious by-semester kids stay home and drink and the slacker by-semester kids spend countless hours, in the library, trying to figure out where their lives went wrong.
I'm one of those slacker kids who more or less knows that the next 2 days in the library is going to be the only time I will ever actually get anything out of my textbook...so I better make sure the bobby pins and 12 packs of sugar I took from Mack's are lined up perfectly or else I'll never get anything done!
Signing out from my post on the 1st floor.......see you on the other side of bullshitosophy!